Green Strength/LEED Strength

Our organization has invested extraordinary resources in the understanding of sustainability and how it can be responsibly and economically implemented across a variety of projects.  Currently seventeen members of our staff are LEED Accredited Professionals with several others awaiting testing of the LEED Accreditation exam.  Panzica is well versed in guiding the LEED certification process.  In addition, our organization conducts green building updates during weekly staff meetings.

If the project team desires to pursue a LEED certification, Panzica will assign a LEED™ AP to the project to help guide the critical accumulation of documentation during the pre-construction, construction and post-construction phases.  As we have learned from earlier attempts, this is a crucial aspect to successfully gaining the LEED certification.

Project Role LEED Certified
AirGas Design-Build Certified
Akron Harris Community Learning Center Construction Management Silver
Akron Hyre Community Learning Center Construction Management Silver
Akron McEbright Community Learning Center Construction Management Silver
Akron Schumacher Community Learning Center Construction Management Silver
Akron Windemere Community Learning Center Construction Management Silver
Cleveland State University College of Education Construction Management Gold
Cleveland State University Student Center Construction Management Certified
Collinwood Recreation Center Construction Management Gold
Cuyahoga County Juvenile Justice Center Design-Build Silver
Hiram College East Hall – Student Housing Design-Build Certified
Independence Technology Center Construction Management Registered
Keystone Elementary School Construction Management Pursuing
Mayfield Public Library Design-Build Silver
Mayfield Village Police Department Construction Management Silver
Oberlin College Apollo Theatre Construction Management Certified
Oberlin College Kahn Hall – Student Housing Construction Management Registered
Ruffing Montessori School Construction Management Silver
Shaker Lakes Nature Center Construction Management Silver

To learn more about our green building and LEED-certified contracting, please contact Panzica Construction Company today at (440) 442-4300, (800) 298-1193, or email us at We can help you get your project completed on time and on budget, because at Panzica Construction Company, we care.